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Top 5 SEO Recommendations that Matter to Leverage Your Business

Top 5 SEO Recommendations that Matter to Leverage Your Business

To stay ahead with the business in the highly competitive industry, the first thing you need to do right is, definitely the SEO. It is crucial to stay updated with the ever-changing SEO tactics so that you never leave the track of the competitive Business World. To grow your business, the various technologies like Google’s algorithm, AI, works hand in hand with SEO to maintain the ranking. If you want to leverage the growth of your business more organically, then SEO is the only way out. Here are the 5 recommendations for SEO that are crucial to help you with the growth of your business:

Long content = Good Quality, Not at all:

There is a  very popular myth after which most of the people running behind is, the longer the content, the better the quality of it. However, publishing long contents is not necessarily going to improve your rank in Google. Word count does not help much in improving the ranking but the quality matters. In case your content is not satisfying the intent of the user, then the length is not going to help. Google helps those contents which come with informative and relevant details. At the same time, the longer contents might impose harm on your ranking as covering relevant topics in your article hampers the quality.

Google BERT:

Google BERT comes with various essential updates from Google, that has the power to influence the search queries. Google BERT works effectively in helping Google to understand the search queries to find various relevant contents with the queries. The BERT update comes with various languages that impact the rankings of the sites along with the Featured Snippet results. In case your website is suffering from the drops in ranking, then there are possibilities that  Google BERT has impacted it. There is no specific solution for Google BERT. All you need to do is add value to your content with relevant information that has the power to serve the user-intent and search-intent.  Los Angeles SEO keeps Google BERT optimal with better content.

Make full use of the SERP Features:

Google is coming up with various SERP features that include featured snippets, graphs, voice searches, updates on image searches. This helps in various ways to maintain the Google search for your business.

Featured snippets help in drawing more clicks with more effectiveness. At the same time if your running is higher and driving more comparison with clicks, then the features snippets help in getting more clicks for the query. To help you with more CTR and clicks the SERP optimizations features are too important to look away from. Small paragraphs in your article with proper headings, bullets, subheadings, and quotes help Google to understand your content better.


Interlinks are another useful component that helps in drawing more visitors with easy navigation on your site. At the same time, it helps with better ser-metrics like time spent, bounce rate, and boosts your ranking.

In case you are trying to crack better rankings on Wikipedia, the Internal links play a crucial role. It helps in drawing better page contents on Wikipedia through interlinks. This boosts SEO on your site organically.

The addition of the internal links, thus boosts the SEO rankings in a short period. The website is going to see an improvement in ranking with the more incorporation of internal linkings in the site.


Though Schema does not play a role like a ranking factor, it helps more in SEO success. It allows Google to easily understand the webpage, content, and the goal of your website. At the same time, it helps you with taking advantage of the SERP features. Google comes with the various types of Schema codes like – Faqs, Recipes, Product Reviews, How to guides, etc. You can look for the schema data on the Google Developer site. The Shema data thus boosts your website ranking and helps you to take advantage of the SERP features.


In case you want to deal with the better SEO to grow your business seamlessly, then the above-mentioned SEO recommendations are going to benefit you in better ways. However, stay strategic and pay more attention to the quality and relevance of your content along with optimal SEO practices.

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